Assess your website with a free web marketing checklist

Assess your website with a free web marketing checklist

Websites are a complex challenge for many businesses. Before you can make a website better, you have to know where it’s going wrong and what you want it to achieve.

Making sense of web marketing for small businesses

Many of my best clients are small businesses who are not “web natives” or geeks or even – God help them – on Twitter (gasp). Few business owners have the time or resources to make their website as good as it could be. A common question from SMEs is: “Where do we start?” Clients often know that their website is under-performing, or just plain broken, but the question of where to begin often gets in the way of action.

Because of this problem, I got thinking about how to reduce the complexity of web marketing. And the end result was a check list.

Print it out, sit down in front of your website and start ticking! When you’re done, you’ll have a quick view of obvious errors or missing details – things you can easily fix.

Get your free profitable website check list (151kb PDF)

The check list doesn’t cover everything, but it’s a good starting point if you know something is wrong with your website but don’t know what it is. Thanks to Emma at Door22 for her excellent document design work.

Free for you to use, change and meddle with

This document is released under a Creative Commons license, so you can use it however you like. You can even slap your own logo on it and call it yours, providing you credit me as the original author. If you’d like help customising it for your own purposes, just ask!


  1. […] Follow this link: Assess your website with a free web marketing checklist … […]

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