Brilliant Freelancer hits 20 reviews on Amazon!

Brilliant Freelancer book cover

It’s been a couple of years since my first book, Brilliant Freelancer, was published. And in that time I’ve largely forgotten all about it and got on with being a freelance copywriter.

In spite of my neglect, Brilliant Freelancer has continued to be bought and enjoyed by new readers. And over time the reviews have built up, so now I’ve got 20 glowing reviews!

Thanks to everyone who has read Brilliant Freelancer, and a big thank-you to everyone who took the time to leave a review – they really help to encourage other people to give it a try. Thanks also to everyone who was involved in the researching and writing of the book.

Brilliant Freelancer on Amazon

And here’s a little video I made about How to deal with clients who want discounts:

Getting to know the digital community in Dorset

I’ve been in Poole for about four months now, and in that time I’ve mainly been insanely busy writing copy for a number of public sector clients, some tech startups, a global car brand and a couple of charities. So I haven’t had much time to get out and meet people. But I did make a little time to attend two events: Dorset Digital and MeetDraw.

Dorset Digital is a bit like the Farm back in Brighton. They’re a bunch of people who meet once a month in pubs around Dorset. Their blurb is:

“We’re an informal community of web and software professionals.
We meet once a month for a chat at a local pub, close to a train line in Dorset.”

I’ve made it to two of their meet-ups and have enjoyed chatting to other digital types. The Poole events seem to be quite small in terms of turnout, but as a freelancer who currently works from home it’s great to get out and chat to people who are working in similar ways.

MeetDraw was a much livelier affair. The event took over a bar on the end of Bournemouth pier and was packed with all kinds of digital makers. It’s always a little daunting to stroll into a room full of people that you don’t know – but everyone was very friendly and welcoming, so I soon felt at home.

I’m looking forward to more excuses to drink during the week meet local people.

I also learnt about the imminent launch of an open device lab – quite likely a boon to anyone making mobile apps or websites.


Dorset Digital

Bournemouth Open Device Lab



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